Asia,  Indonesia,  Java

Mount Bromo and Its Nearby

Stunning, Beauty and Magical!!!

One of the most spectacular mountains with breathtaking view is Mount Bromo. It is located in East Java, Indonesia. Mountain climates always give a chill weather that really suits for Week-enders from surrounding city nearby. Mount Bromo National Park is accessible from three different towns, Probolinggo, Pasuruan and Malang. The view and all the cloud in surrounding of Mount Bromo gives a mystic image, every time I visit.

How to get to Bromo?!?!

The best way to get to Bromo is driving from Surabaya. Some options of public transport, but as may you know it, the public transport in Indonesia is very painful. Get your plane to Surabaya airport and arrange for airport pick up and bring your driver along with you to Bromo. It takes around 3 hours to the gate of Mount Bromo National Park. You can also get to Bromo from Yogyakarta or Denpasar by road by joining trip that can be arranged with your Perama Tour. If you are a solo traveler from Bali or Yogyakarta and wanna hit Bromo straight, then this tour could be your option.

the mud in Sidoarjo


the mud in Sidoarjo14-Aug-2010 06:37, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D60, 16.0, 18.0mm, 0.001 sec, ISO 800



What to do in Bromo Mountain and nearby ?!?!

On the way to Bromo, from Surabaya, you can stop by at the infamous mud lake in Sidoarjo. It is very scary phenomenon, but very interesting.  You can do stop over for late lunch at rawon Nguling, my favorite Indonesian dishes. It is black beef soup, very nice. After 3 hours of driving, you will be arriving  at the mouth of Mount Bromo. Get check  in to your preferred hotel. There are some budget hotels there. Most of the time in Bromo, I stay at family friends holiday house,  but once I wanna give a try, I stayed at this Java Banana hotel, very nice hotel with its garden but a lil too pricey for what its offer.  If money is not your concern, then this hotel is OK to go. I personally wont come back to this hotel. Just too expensive!!!


15-Aug-2010 00:05, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D60, 4.2, 24.0mm, 1.8 sec, ISO 400


Around sunset time, you can enjoy the sun near Cemoro Lawang Hotel with the view of Mount Bromo. It was magnificent. In the evening, there is not much to do here. You can walk to the village, searching your dinner at Kampoong area or just enjoying the chil weather with fried banana and a cup of tea. Very relaxing.  Not to forget, to arrange your sunrise trip from Mount Pananjakan. They will pick you up at 3am, bring you to the sunrise point, and then down to the desert of sand on four wheel drive car. You can carry on to reach Mount Bromo pick for around 30min from where they park the car. Amazing view.  This trip can be arrange for 10USD including entrance or cheaper if you rent the whole car and you are in group of 3 till 6 people, cost 35USD. They will bring you back to your hotel at around 9 am.


15-Aug-2010 02:27, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D60, 10.0, 18.0mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 200


Having breakfast and check out from your hotel, enjoying the view, then you can head to a little village with Pekalen River. You can test your adrenalin to do white water rafting. Driving for around 1-2 hours from Mount Bromo area you will find Regulo or Songa White water rafting. It costs between 17-30 USD for some 5-15 kms white water rafting inclusive lunch. Afternoon rafting with your friends will be a great adventure. Late afternoon, you can head back to Surabaya to catch your late evening flight. Alternatively if you have longer time, you can visit Surabaya and Madura island, which I will write in different article.

Some pictures from Mount Bromo!!!

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